Avoid These Silly Python Mistakes


5 min read

Avoid These Silly Python Mistakes

They might work, but they might work even better. With countless practice, programming will get gradually get easier, but rock bottom line is that programming is tough. So, Avoid These Silly Python Mistakes.

Python Silly Mistakes

It may be made even harder with an unfortunate combination of assumption and dealing problems out on your own. Without a mentor, in particular, it's sometimes hard to know if a method you're doing is wrong. We are certainly all guilty of going into our code at a later date and refactoring because we are all learning constantly the way to do things during a better way. Fortunately, with the proper amount of awareness, correcting these mistakes can cause you to a significantly better programmer.

The greatest way to become a greater programmer is to beat mistakes and problems. there's always a far better way of doing something, it’s finding that specific better way that's challenging. It’s easy to urge used to doing one thing or another, but sometimes a touch of a shake-up is required to actually get the ball rolling on becoming an excellent engineer.

Not Implemented

Though the “Not Implemented” error is probably going one among the smallest amount common errors on this list, I feel it’s important to issue a reminder. Raising NotImplemented in Python won't raise a NotImplemented error, but instead will raise a kind error. Here is a function I wrote for example this:

def implementtest(num):
if num == 5:

Whenever we attempt to run the function where “num” is adequate to 5, watch what happens:

Python Warning

The solution to raising the right exception is to boost the NotImplementedError instead of raising NotImplemented. to try and do this, I modified our function:

def implementtest(num):
if num == 5:
if num == 10:
    raise(NotImplementedError('This is the right way!'))

And running this may give us the right output:

Python Error

Mutable Defaults

Default arguments in Python are evaluated once, and therefore the evaluation takes place when the function definition is executed. as long as these arguments are evaluated once, each element inbound is employed in each call, which suggests that the info contained within the variable is mutable across whenever it's accessed within the function.

def add(item, items=[]):

What we should always do instead is set the value of our parameter to nothing, and add a conditional to change the list if it doesn’t exist

def add(item, items=None):
if items is None:
items = []

Though this mostly applies to the statistical/DS/ML side of Python users, having immutable data is universally important counting on the circumstances.

Global variables


Inside of an object-oriented programming language , global variables should be kept to a minimum. However, I feel it's important to subtitle that claim by explaining that global variables are certainly necessary, and quite alright in some situations. an excellent example of this is often Data Science, where this is often a limited amount of object-oriented programming actually happening, and Python is getting used more functionally than it typically would.

Global variables can cause issues with naming, and privacy while multiple functions are calling on and counting on an equivalent value. an excellent example of a global variable i might say is okay to do is something sort of a file-path, especially one that's meant to be packaged along side your Python file. Even in writing a Gtk class and moving a graphical interface builder should be done privately, instead of globally.


Copy Pest

Using copy are often objectively better than using normal assignment. Normal assignment operations will simply point the new variable towards the present object, instead of creating a replacement object.

a = 10
c = a

There are two main sorts of copies which will be performed with the copy module for Python,

shallow copy and deep copy.

The difference between these two sorts of copies comes right down to the sort of variable you would like to pass through the function. When using deep copying on variables that are contained within one byte of data like integers, floats, and booleans or strings, the difference between a shallow copy and a deep copy can't be felt. However, when working with lists, tuples, and dictionaries i might recommend always deep copying.

A shallow copy constructs a replacement compound object then (to the extent possible) inserts references into it to the objects found within the original. A deep copy constructs a new compound object then, recursively, inserts copies into it of the objects found within the original. Given those definitions, it is easy to ascertain why you would possibly want to use one or the opposite for a given datatype.

import copy
l = [10,15,20]
h = 5
hcopy = copy.copy(h)
z = copy.deepcopy(l)

In order to check our results, we will simply check if their variable id is that the same with a conditional statement:

print id(h) == id(hcopy) 

In Conclusion

Being an excellent programmer is about constantly improving, and hopefully, some misconceptions are often cleared up over time. It’s a gradual and painful process, but with many practice and even more information, following simple guidelines and advice like this will certainly be rewarding. Sharing “not-to-dos” like this generally make great conversation and makes everyone involved an excellent programmer, so I feel discussing this will certainly be beneficial no matter how far along you're on your endless programming journey. Google will help you more! Don't forget him.